Alumni Story

In the heart of Muladi in Barishal District, amidst the turbulent times of British colonial rule, a beacon of education emerged in 1940. Md Nazem Ali Howlader, Alhaj Md Arshed Ali Howlader, and Md. Ahmed Ali Khan inscribed their names in history as the founding visionaries of this institution – Muladi Mahmudjan Secondary School (মুলাদী মাহমুদজান মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়). With unwavering dedication, Md. Ahmed Ali Khan, Haji Md. Arshad Ali Howlader, and Mrs. Rabeya Bhuiya selflessly donated the lands that would become the nurturing grounds for countless young minds. This school, born in a region isolated by rivers, stood as a lighthouse for an underprivileged community. Its people were yearning for the scope for knowledge and opportunity. Amid adversity, this institution rose to the occasion, shaping the futures of countless youngsters. This school made an eminent language solder and composer of famous song “Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushe February” Altaf Mahmud who actively participated in the1952 language movement in the then East Pakistan. In course of time some of its students  become a pivotal force in the fight in 1971 for Bangladesh’s independence. Two shining stars emerged from its hallowed halls – Martyred Altaf Mahmud and Birsherstha Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir, a

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